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![]() Feb. 11th, 2025: On the Mystery of Urine
“God—said she—hath appointed me An Other Seed.” —Gen. 4:25
One of the biggest problems for a serious jewish exegete is finding yourself in the middle of a Scriptural meditation and in need of releasement in the privy. The jews believe that the toilets are ruled by an evil spirit, which survives due to the filth of that place; & for this reason one mustn’t contemplate verses from Scripture while in the privy. For a very long time I’ve been struggling to distract myself from Scriptures while in the restroom. But, then, I saw that Christians normally don’t have a problem with meditating in the restroom. I realised that the evil spirit would have no effect on me if I invoke the name of Jesus Christ—before whom “...all things are Naked & opened” (Heb. 4:13). You will be surprised to hear that the most intense Jesus-bumps (those goosebumps that enter your body whenever thinking of Jesus) that I’ve had, came while I was helpless, urinating, exhausted and dead, in the restroom. It would appear to me, like the privy is a special place. According to the Waabo authored by R. Eibbenschütz, the urine of Man is the “Other Seed” (Gen. 4:25) of which the Messiah is born. Rabb Eibenschuetz makes an etymological connection between the Hebrew word for “urine”, Shetten (Heb. שתן), to the Hebrew name of Seth, i.e. Shett (שת). In other concealed writings from the Eibshütz circle, there is a connection made between the aformentioned two words & the term שיתין (Shiettinn), which refers to the “Drainpipes” by which the Libation is communicated to the “Depth” dug beneath the Jewish Temple (Sukka 49a). The Talmud connects the Drainpipes, the Shiettinn, to the Chaldee word Sheett (שית), meaning “Six”. According to the Talmud (Sukka 49a), the Two Drainpipes correlate to the Two Thighs of the Perfect Man. Of this it stands written (Sng. 5:15): “his Legs are as pillars of שש, of Marble”—as the word for “Marble” (שש) means also “Six”. The Cabalists have interpreted this term to be referring to the Three Joints of the Leg, which in both Legs amount to 6. Accordingly, we will understand the Urine—that associates into the Number 6, and the Temple’s “Drainpipes” (with the sub-terranean Depth correlating to the Toilet), as well as the figure of Seth, & the Sixfold Legs—as the principle of Man’s Uprightness, the principle of extension & projection. It follows that Urine is the opposite of Semen. The Semen is from the Tree of Knowledge; all the while Urine is of Life. This is a big mystery.
P.S. This is why Jaakob, the Minn, said (Awoda Saraa 17a): “From the ‘Place of Filth’ [=Privy] did They Come—There They will Go”. |