
Nov. 15th, 2024: The Divine Project


“...Let us go-forth into the Field.”

—Sng. 7:11

The Messianic sage, Rab N. Ghazzati, had deemed the Biblical type-system as thoroughly two-fold—constituted according to the archetypal pair of thought & emotion; also sorted as conception & perception; or intelligibility & sensibility; or, also: intent & project.

It is surely evident that the Old Testament is constituted according to such pairs: Serpent & Man; Abel & Cain; Jacob & Esau; Wisdom & Folly (in the Wisdom Literature); etc., etc.. Being Biblical theologians, or metaphysical exegetes, we interpret these pairs according to the aforementioned metaphysical principles of Thought & Deed, or passion & action. Understanding Biblical “types” as actual “modalities” of the divine intellect, we uncover the implicit theological messages of our scriptures.

I have elucidated in a previous post that Jacob—being a “dweller in Tents” (Gen. 25:27)—signifies the principle of implication or inclosure; while Esau—in his part, a “man of the Field” (ibid. 25:27)—typifies the principle of projection or unfolding. Without elaborating too much further on the mysteries of the Two Sons (and the ciphers of their names), I’ll note that Jacob represents an intense, seminal principle, all the while Esau symbolizes the long-wide-deep extension of the divine percept—God’s “Dasein”, his project unto an elaborate and explicit, “open” existence; a being-in; in the mystery of “...Let us go-forth, into the Field” (Sng. 7:11).

Metaphysical Background

We understand the Deed of Creation as the explication and projection of divine nature. At that, we understand that this disclosive proceeding is constituted of two “modalities” or “substates”: those of
intensity and extensity—an embryonic phase (where God’s Nature is inclosed within itself) and a mature one (where the entire breadth of divine meaning is projected and stretched-forth, into sensibility).

At that, we graphically understand the embryonic phase to be typified by the POINT; and the mature phase to be the LINE, or in multiple dimensions the CROSS.

The Line or Cross of the mature phase is signified by the Tree, the Vegetation/Garden, the Flower (Lily, specifically), the City, the Fish, the Tower.

The Point or Circle of the foetal phase is typified by the Seed, the House, the Cloth, the Serpent.