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![]() Jan. 28th, 2025: Of Christ’s Twofold Body “I have Walked, in thy Truth.” —Ps. 26:3 I have previously spoken, on this blog, of the twofold, or in Greek “syzugetic”, typological constitution of the Bible. A man who has also—in accordance with the esoteric Sages—understood the Bible as fundamentally two-fold, is one of the first Edomologers in the Western sphere; i.e., Emmanuel Swedenborg. According to Swedenborg, the typological doublings which we recurrently find throughout Scripture can be reduced to “Good” weddings and “Evil” weddings. For example, Balak and Balaam are an “Evil Wedding”; all the while Moses and Joshua are a “Good Wedding”. The Good Wedding – according to Swedenborg – is constituted of divine Goodness & Truth. The Evil Wedding, however, is constituted of the ungodly Evil & Falsehood. The Good Wedding is, in Swedenborg’s system, applicable to the types of Jacob & Esau, who respectively signify Truth & Goodness. Following on, he identifies these Two Principles with the Blood & Flesh of Christ as well—which are, also, a typological Pair or a “syzugy”, and are related to each other in a manner similar to Jacob & Esau’s: Since physiologically, Blood is habitually transformed into Flesh, and in the same manner is Jacob consummated through Esau (in Going-Out from the Tent unto the Field). Those same Two Principles are, also, typified by Man’s Two Legs, by which one Stands and Walks. According to the Sages (Chagiggah 12a), Man’s Legs were, in the beginning, extended infinitely. After Sin, they were cut-off, like the Serpent’s—as Man assumed a Sinful nature. For this it was written: “The Pillars of Heaven tremble, and are astonished at his Reproof” (Job 26:11)—that the Pillars of Heaven (which are, the Legs of Man) were uprooted and injured by the Wrath of God, due to Sin. Those holy Legs, according to the Sages, were previously extended like “Threads of Warp”. They were, archetypally, the Heavens and the Earth. They are, correspondingly, the Two Pillars of the Temple, which the Soharite Sages name: the “Two Pillars of Truthfulness”, תרין סמכי קשוט. The truth is that—on a certain esoteric level—only one of Man’s Legs was injured, while the other walks uprightly. But this exegetical discussion is beyond the scope of this post. In Swedenborg’s view—in its less explicit, & more exoteric, form—Esau & Jacob, which are the Flesh & Blood of Christ, and correspond to the metaphysical principles of Form & Power, represent the most-perfected and “upright” form of Nature, being the Two functioning, walking Legs of Man. I will elaborate much more on those mysteries—with GOD’s most-Gracious help, inspiration, quality, and Grace—in my two upcoming books. Amen, may this wish of mine come-forth, indeed with Christ’s help. |