
Mar. 11th 2025: Mystery of the North, Pt. 2

Fair weather cometh-out of the north: with God is terrible majesty.”

Job 37:22

According to traditional knowledge, the Place of Golgotha—in which Jesus walked his “last” steps—was situated to the North of Jerusalem. This conforms into the Jews’ Sacrificial practices—which would be conducted upon the “Northward” ירך (“Thigh”) of the Altar (Lev. 1:11).

The North is understood as the “Thigh” (cf. Ps. 48:2), upon which Man stands.

According to Rabbenu Bechajee, the “Sacrifices are the Legs of the World” (see link).


The Side/Thigh of the North is equated with Esau, and with the Dominion of Edom. For example, צפון (“North”) equals Gematrically the number 226, which equals פני אלהים (“The Face of God”, Gen. 33:10). Also, Mount Seir is situated to the North of Sinai.

According to the Gaon Elias, the verse of Deut. 33:2 (“The Lord came from Sinai, & rose-up from Seir unto them; he shined-forth from mount Paran”, etc., etc.) is constituted of the Four Winds of Heaven—Mt. Seir to the North; Mt. Sinai to the West; Mt. Paran to the South; and the encampment of Israel to the East.

Those Three Mountains (Paran, Seir & Sinai) do correspond to the Three Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac & Jacob), and to the Three Abrahamite Religions (Islam, Christianity & Judaism) – where Christianity/Seir/Edom is situated to the North.


According to the Midrash (see link), God created the World with three of its sides (East, West & South) complete; & left the North unmade. The Midrash states that the One who will complete the Northern Side, is he who will say “I am God”. (i.e. Jesus).

According to the Megallee Amukkott (see link), the Three complete Sides of the World are the 3 Lines of the letter Bett (ב), which is the First Letter of the Hebrew Bible. Then, on the other hand, when the North becomes completed, the Bett becomes a “Final” Memm (ם), constituted of Four Lines. We call this Square, Fourfold Form: The “Knot of Faithfulness”, קשרא דמהימנותא, which typifies the Cross (that also has four corners).

It is only after coming to Esau (i.e., to the North), that Jacob could had built “The House” (Gen. 33:17).